Protecting the Rights of the Unborn

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 21, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Abortion Legal


Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from New Jersey for
putting this Special Order together on the 42nd anniversary of an
infamous decision, Roe v. Wade, Mr. Speaker, where I believe the
Supreme Court stepped out of their role and unconstitutionally set up
the course that has gone on to this day, the murder of innocents and,
ultimately, murder of innocence of our country as well that in its
inception was established on a principle that was well known, well
understood, and put into our Declaration of Independence that said:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal and endowed by their creator with certain
unalienable rights, among them the right to life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness.

It all begins with life. I will never forget 8 years ago as I stood
in a maternity ward at Northwestern University Hospital and waited for
word from the room where my daughter-in-law was giving birth to our
first two grandchildren, twins John Timothy and Micah Todd.

Micah Todd is now 8 years old, happy, healthy, moving forward. John
Timothy we look forward to seeing him again some day in heaven. For 8
days he lived on this Earth. He fought after being born with his twin
brother at 26 weeks. I watched them as they fought for life. I watched
them at less than 12 inches long, one pound, 12 ounces, fighting for
life, understanding in their own way that this is what they were
supposed to do. They were capable of pain. They were capable of doing
what nature's God had enabled them to do.

That changed my life more than ever before, though back in 1982 I ran
for the State house on the issue of life itself. That is what brought
me out of the pulpit as a pastor and brought me into the arena to try
to promote life and go away from that terrible decision that the
Supreme Court put upon us.

Now I think 42 years later we have seen gains in this country, as we
will see millennials come out of Metro tubes tomorrow, as we will see
young people standing in front of us speaking for life, declaring their
desire to see abortion ended, and I am hopeful that in our day we will
see that take place not because of religion, not even because of
politics, but because of people understanding the sanctity of life,
understood by the prophet Jeremiah when he said after the words of God

Before I was formed in my mother's womb, you knew me and
declared the days of my life.

Mr. Speaker, my colleague from New Jersey, all of my colleagues who
will stand in defense of life, I say thank you. Let's not give up,
because we are on the right side.

