Hearing Notice: Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

Press Release

Date: Jan. 15, 2015

The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, chaired by Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA), has scheduled a hearing on influenza for Tuesday, February 3. Subcommittee members will review the public health response to the flu and explore ways to improve the effectiveness of vaccines and anti-viral drugs. The subcommittee will examine the relationship between seasonal flu preparedness efforts and our nation's overall pandemic readiness and response capabilities.

"We are in the midst of a terrible flu season and unfortunately we have learned that this year's vaccine is a very poor match. The flu is a major public health threat, killing thousands and hospitalizing tens of thousands each year," said Murphy. "How can we be better prepared? What is the process used for creating, approving, and distributing the seasonal flu vaccine? When did the federal government know that this year's vaccine would not be a good match? Should people get the flu shot even though it is not a good match to this year's flu strains? How effective are antiviral medications? These are the kinds of questions Americans all across the country are asking."
