Nolan Announces Seven Point "Restore Democracy Act' to "Change the way we do politics in America"

Press Release

Date: Sept. 12, 2014
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Elections

Flanked by representatives of Common Cause, Public Citizen and unions including the Communications Workers of America and other reform-minded Members of Congress, U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today announced the drive to pass his Restore Democracy Act (House Resolution 695) -- a seven-point blueprint to address the public's widespread dissatisfaction with Congress, the proliferation of outside money in campaigns, political gerrymandering of Congressional districts, and voter suppression measures that discourage participation in the democratic process.

"It is time to change the way we do politics, and restore our great American democracy to the stature and integrity our Founders intended," Nolan said at a news conference this morning in front of the U.S. Capitol.

"The simple truth is -- the 113th Congress is the most unaccomplished, undemocratic and unremarkable in our country's history. We make Harry Truman's "Do Nothing Congress' look like over-achievers by comparison. Americans want Congress to put aside partisanship -- get back to work -- and start getting things done again."

"Americans are outraged by a system that all but requires Members of Congress to spend more time fundraising than they do governing -- just to counter the outside money special interests pour into their districts at election time. With so little time left to govern, it's no wonder the 113th Congress has been the least productive in our history."

Nolan's Restore Democracy Act expresses the sense of Congress regarding the need for seven major reforms:

Overturning the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United decision that declared corporations to be "people' and money to be "free speech' with respect to the right to donate money to Congressional campaigns.

Establishing a public-private system of campaign financing, making candidates answerable to the people -- not wealthy special interests.

Restricting spending on Congressional campaigns to a period 60 days before an election.

Prohibiting incumbents and challengers from raising campaign funds while Congress is in session.

Ending political gerrymandering of Congressional districts that have made all but 35 districts "safe' for incumbents at election time.

Encouraging nationwide voter participation by requiring states to establish online voter registration systems.

Returning the U.S. House to a system of "Regular Order' under which no bill can be considered on the Floor of the House without first going through the committee process -- under an open rule -- with amendments debated fully and openly and given an up or down vote. Conference committees would be required to meet in full, and resolve House-Senate differences with a vote of the full committee.

"The wealthy and powerful special interests that have kidnapped our system of politics and government for their own gain will fight us. But eventually we will win because the people are with us -- because it is their democracy we are fighting to reclaim for generations to come," Nolan concluded in his prepared remarks.
