Issue Position: Forrest's Contract with Alaska

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Don Young's ethics violations have cost him the ability to chair full committees and ended his influence in Washington. If elected as Alaska's representative, here is my pledge, here is my Contract with Alaska:

1) Alaska's Congressional seat belongs to the people, and is not for personal enrichment.

2) Campaign funds are for campaign expenses. Period.

3) No one is entitled to hold a public office; a representative must work every day to earn and maintain the public's trust.

4) It must be the duty of every congressperson to fight for meaningful campaign finance reform. For starters, every Alaskan federal official should sign the We the People Pledge and end corporate personhood.

5) Secret meetings with lobbyists and special interests in Congressional offices must end. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.
