Issue Position: More Jobs

Issue Position

"As a CPA and businessman, I know our state must become much more competitive in order for us to successfully compete in the national jobs marketplace. Reports over the last couple of years rank the Commonwealth among the bottom when it comes to the tax burden placed on our job creators. We must put Western Pennsylvania back to work and continue to change Pennsylvania for the better -- that's exactly what I am working to do. " -George Dunbar

Making Jobs and Economic Growth a Top Priority
For far too long, state government has treated job creators, entrepreneurs and businesses as adversaries instead of as the core of our economic engine. The result was businesses - and the jobs they create - fleeing to other, more business-friendly states. As Representative, George has kept his promise to change how we treat job
creators to help get our economy back on track.

George pledged to help put western Pennsylvania back to work. As a businessman, he knows state government does not create jobs, but he also knows we can and must make our state more competitive in order to create the environment to keep our local job providers in business while also attracting the new businesses and additional jobs our families and college graduates need. George voted to reform the legal system to make our state more competitive while eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse in the welfare system - both reforms to help small businesses, job creators, and taxpayers.

A More Business Friendly Environment
George supported important reforms to our state's tort system, unemployment compensation system, and business tax structure that make it more fair and less expensive for businesses to locate or remain in Pennsylvania -- meaning more jobs for our families.

Looking Ahead
George knows that these are only the first steps and that our state needs to continue its efforts to become more competitive in attracting jobs. He will continue to work for tax structure changes that put our state in-line with others, regulatory reforms that protect our people while providing fair and uniform oversight, and more.
