Providing for Consideration of H.R. 3393, Student and Family Tax Simplification Act, and Providing for Consideration of H.R. 4935, Child Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2014

Floor Speech

Date: July 24, 2014
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. ENYART. Mr. Speaker, today I rise for American jobs and good government. I rise to support the Bring Jobs Home Act.

Our current corporate tax law is broken. Today, companies that move American jobs overseas are able to take tax deductions for relocating jobs outside the United States. Let me say that again. Companies located here in the United States are able to take tax deductions for moving American jobs overseas.

Don't we have that backwards? Shouldn't we give tax deductions to those moving jobs back home, back to America? The Bring Jobs Home Act will provide for not only an end to company rewards for shipping jobs overseas, it will also provide companies an incentive to restore jobs in America.

Right in my home State of Illinois, over 690,000 jobs are at risk of being sent overseas. At a time when we are desperately trying to grow the job market in our country, we simply cannot, in good conscience, let the American taxpayer foot the moving bill for megacorporations.

When I was a young man, I worked the assembly line at Caterpillar, just like my father did. We put in a hard day's work for an honest day's pay. Caterpillar understood the importance of keeping jobs here in America. In the last few years, Caterpillar has been bringing jobs back to the U.S., back to my home State of Illinois, just like GE and Ford have. Let's give them the incentive they deserve for doing the right thing.

Join me in supporting this bill so we can bring jobs home.

