Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014


The law that Congressman Jim Clyburn steered to passage and President Obama signed into effect in March 2010 will give ALL Americans access to quality,affordable health care for the first time in history.

Here's what it does for you RIGHT NOW:

A Patients Bill of Rights

-Prohibits annual and lifetime limits on health care expenses.

-Stops all insurance companies from dropping your coverage when you get sick.

-Bans insurance companies from denying you coverage because of a preexisting condition.

-Caps out-of-pocket expenses for all individuals and families

-Requires insurance companies to spend at least 80 percent of your premium dollars on your health care, not overhead and expenses.

Health Care in Your Community

-Invests billions in community health centers, moving patients out of emergency rooms and creating a safety net for all South Carolinians.

Puts Money in Your Pocket

-Let's young people stay on their parents' insurance until they are 26 years old.

Strengthens Medicare and Helps Older Americans

-Closes the "Donut Hole" -- the gap in Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage

-Free preventative care under Medicare

-A new voluntary long term care insurance program

-A new affordable insurance program for early retirees, ages 55-64.
