Issue Position: High Speed Rail

Issue Position

High Speed Rail will ensure that California and the Central Valley will continue to be the vanguard for the nation in the 21st century.

It is appropriate that the home-state of Leland Stanford be among the first to deliver on the promise and progress embodied by High Speed Rail. As the Valley, the state, the country, and indeed the world work towards addressing the problem that is continuing to be mobile while creating less pollution, HSR is definitely one way to begin to move ourselves in a direction reliant on less carbon.

Scientist studying the effects humanity has had on our environment are convinced that we are marching toward a bleak future if we do not begin to make changes immediately. My opponent does not believe that the findings of science are legitimate. So let's assume for a moment that he is correct, that would not weaken the argument in favor of pursuing HSR. Because clean air for our posterity is something our descendants are worthy of. We are tasked with leaving a better America to our children.

HSR would also result in an influx of new money to the Central Valley, helping to grow and diversify our economy. To the nay sayers I would remind them that this country built the trans-continental railroad during the Civil War. We are Americans, we can do this, and we should do this.
