Udall: Amendments to Liquefied Natural Gas Exports Bill Provide Clear Path Forward

Press Release

Mark Udall, who serves on the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, announced today he will introduce a bill based on newly amended U.S. House of Representatives legislation to accelerate liquefied natural gas exports. The new bill would streamline the U.S. Department of Energy's current approval process for liquefied-natural-gas-export projects -- essential to counterbalancing international bullies and Russia's threat to use its natural gas resources as a weapon.

"Colorado's natural gas resources have a central role to play in creating jobs and promoting global stability. This effort to expedite natural gas exports to our allies and trading partners abroad is far too important to get bogged down over technical differences between the two chambers," Udall said. "That's why I plan to introduce legislation mirroring the amended House bill, which has the same goals as a proposal I introduced earlier this year."

Udall also will introduce this new liquefied natural gas exports bill as an amendment to a bipartisan energy-efficiency bill the U.S. Senate is expected to take up next week.

Currently liquefied natural gas can only be exported to countries with which the United State has certain trade agreements or through agreements approved by a lengthy U.S. Department of Energy approval process, a process that has taken years for some facilities. Udall's bill would require that the U.S. Department of Energy make a decision within 90 days of finishing the public comment period.

Udall has been a strong supporter of developing Colorado's clean-burning and job-creating natural gas resources. Udall most recently welcomed the U.S. Energy Department's approval of a liquefied natural gas terminal in Oregon. Udall also has supported the Grand Junction Economic Partnership's effort to study the effect liquefied natural gas exports could have on the West Slope's economy.
