Tom Reed Restores Streamgage Funding at Owego Creek

Press Release

Date: April 11, 2014

Tom Reed announced Friday long-term funding for the streamgage at Owego Creek that lapsed in November 2013. Reed advocated strongly for the flood-protection instrument at Owego Creek, supporting the National Streamflow Information Program and pressing the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to restore funding.

"The Owego Creek streamgage is essential in protecting life and property in our flood-prone region," Reed said. "Ensuring our communities are equipped with this kind of front line resource is something that cannot be overstated. I will continue to work with our partners at the local, state and federal level to make sure our area receives the protection and care it fairly deserves."

"The residents of the Village of Owego would like to thank Congressman Reed and his office for securing funds for the Owego streamgage, an essential early warning tool for our community," said Don Sargent, Chair of the Village of Owego Planning Board. "The Village of Owego was 90% flooded in 2011 and this streamgage provides an essential early warning system for future high-water level events. This instrument will help us prepare for and deal with flood conditions the best we can. It is a tremendous relief to know this has been funded."

In addition to supporting increased funding for the National Streamflow Information Program, Reed sent a letter to the USGS earlier this year on behalf of the Village of Owego to encourage the agency to restore funding, citing the public safety aspect of streamgages.
