Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015

Floor Speech

Date: April 9, 2014
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. JORDAN. Mr. Chairman, I thank the gentleman for yielding.

I would just say: When do you stop blaming the former President? For goodness' sake, we are in the fifth year of the Obama Presidency. Here is the problem. The first year of Ronald Reagan's second term, the growth rate, the economic growth rate, was 7 1/2 percent. For goodness' sake. Ronald Reagan was able to turn things around that quickly. We are meandering along, bouncing along at a pathetic 2 percent growth rate. We could be so much better if we had the right policies in place and pass the right kind of budget and the right kind of vision for the country. That is the point the gentleman is making. Quit blaming George Bush. We are in the fifth year of the Obama Presidency. If you want to look to a comparison: the fifth year of Ronald Reagan's Presidency, a 7 1/2 percent growth rate.

