Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015

Floor Speech


Mr. McDERMOTT. Mr. Chairman, a budget is a statement of a society's moral principles. The Democratic budget is an investment plan that creates a job for a marine who comes back from Afghanistan. It guarantees health security for a single mom and her asthmatic daughter. It expands the opportunity for a bright-eyed son of immigrant parents to go to college.

On the other hand, the Ryan manifesto doesn't create a job for that marine. The Ryan budget fires 3 million Americans over the next 2 years, and it protects tax breaks for companies shipping those jobs overseas. The Ryan budget repeals the Affordable Care Act, forcing that single mother and baby daughter back into the intolerable days when families could not afford health care.

In summary, the Republican budget asks not what you can do for your country, but proclaims your country refuses to do a thing for you.

The Democratic budget invests in our greatest resource, the American people, the key to our Nation's continued greatness in the years to come. Vote ``yes'' on the Democratic alternative.

