Issue Position: LGBT - Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

Issue Position

I am pleased to see that the Supreme Court has decided to consider the question of marriage within the LGBT community. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was huge mistake in 1996, and it remains a mistake to this day. The federal government should not be in the business of discrimination and the suppression of benefits and rights.

I was one of only 67 House Members to vote against DOMA in 1996. President Obama announced in 2011 that the Administration would no longer defend the law in the courts, which it considers to be discriminatory.

Inequality takes many different forms, and all must be addressed before equal treatment under the law is a reality for all Americans. For example, the same sex couples fortunate enough to have health benefits offered through their employer are taxed more on their health care plans than other couples. We cannot treat same-sex couples as second class citizens in tax policy, in their ability to bequeath estates, or visit a loved one in the hospital. These inequalities must stop, and I am hopeful the gains being made in the marriage debate will lead to other advances as well.

Same-sex couples should have the same rights as every other family in the nation. They work hard and pay their taxes; they contribute to charity and raise their families as best as they can. They are our friends, family and neighbors, brothers and sisters, and should not be treated differently.

I have sponsored legislation for a National Day of Silence in support of rights for the LGBT community.
