Issue Position: Economy

Issue Position

Our economy continues to careen through fiscal roadblocks with reckless abandon. The administration's stimulus plan failed miserably as billions of taxpayer's dollars were wasted. Instead of creating additional debt, the most logical approach is to manage what we can control. It is urgent that we reduce government regulations that are smothering small businesses as well as large corporations. Major companies continue to leave the U.S. for fewer taxes in foreign countries. At the same time, international businesses are slow in relocating to our county. Why? At 39%, the U.S. has the highest combined corporate tax rate in the world. It's time to reduce the tax burden and bring the jobs back.

We must utilize all of our natural resources including ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Reserve). Progressive Democrats have killed multiple bills that would've allowed drilling to stimulate our economy while reducing oil imports. Interestingly, for the last twenty-five years, nearly every legislator from Alaska has been in favor of opening these reserves. North Dakota, with its booming energy economy and 3% unemployment rate, is a prime example of how an economy can rebound when bypassing federal regulations.
