Bachmann: Will President Obama Answer Obamacare Question That Made Minnesota Democrats Super Uncomfortable?

Press Release

Date: Feb. 25, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

On the eve of President Obama's visit to Minnesota, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) released a statement urging the President to answer a question about Obamacare that made waves at a town hall meeting last week in Mankato, Minn.

During the town hall, Senator Amy Klobuchar and Representatives Collin Peterson and Tim Walz uncomfortably hesitated to answer the following question about Obamacare:"I thought the Affordable Care Act would save $2500 per family. What happened?"

"As the Obamacare rollout worsens with each passing day, it's getting harder and harder for Democrats to defend the healthcare takeover that they voted for. When President Obama comes to Minnesota tomorrow, he needs to answer the questions on the minds of Minnesotans and the American people about why his promises are not coming true," said Congresswoman Bachmann. "Why aren't families saving $2,500 per year under Obamacare, as the President promised? What happened?"
