House Acts To Stop Administration's Targeting Of Conservative Groups


Date: Feb. 26, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement upon passage of H.R. 3865, "Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act of 2014":

"When faced with opposing views, rather than working across the aisle, this Administration has emboldened its position and employed a winner-take-all attitude to silence its critics. Their tactics have the effect of grossly infringing on the First Amendment rights of citizens promoting the common good and general welfare. When it was revealed last year that the Internal Revenue Service was targeting these citizen groups affiliated with conservative values by holding up applications and requiring information not requested of by other citizen groups, House Republicans initiated extensive congressional oversight. The revelations were disturbing to any American who values the freedoms and liberties this country stands for.

"Also uncovered throughout the investigation was a proposal to relinquish these groups' tax-exempt status while maintaining it for groups engaging in the same activity - such as employee unions. This afternoon, the House of Representatives passed legislation that stops this blatant attack on free speech and ensures that non-profit groups are treated the same as unions. I want to thank Chairman Dave Camp for his leadership on this issue from the moment it was brought to the House's attention and for introducing this important legislation. The First Amendment is the underpinning on which this country was founded and the American people reject any attempt to undermine it."
