Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee Advocates for the Intervention by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice Regarding Burdensome and Unnecessary Regulations being Placed on Navigators in Texas


Date: Jan. 23, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Washington, DC -- Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, a Senior Member of the House Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees, released the following statement in reference to the State of Texas imposing tough regulations on "Navigators' - people who will help the pubic buy insurance in the marketplaces:

"I believe the actions of the State of Texas and TDI constitute an impermissible state infringement and interference with the operation of the health insurance exchange established pursuant to federal law in violation of the Supremacy Clause of Article VI of the of the U.S. Constitution. The state of Texas could have established its own health insurance exchange but refused due to the opposition of the governor and other state officials. Navigators are entities or organizations authorized by the Affordable Care Act to assist consumers seeking to apply for health insurance through a health benefit exchange.

"The Affordable Care Act is about securing affordable, quality and accessible health care as a right, not a privilege, for every American; yet it is also about wellness and prevention, economic security and entrepreneurship, the well-being of working families and the strength of the middle class. In short, this historic law is about a healthier America. We are now in the midst of changes that put health care in reach for all. Existing plans with larger employers are maintained and improved. Just as in the past, if you like your doctor, you can choose to stay with your doctor.

"Republican efforts to sabotage the implementation of the Affordable Care Act would directly undermine these key reforms, by interfering with Navigators helping consumers find the coverage that is right for them, or discouraging young Americans from signing up, or refusing Medicaid expansion and relying on uncompensated care through emergency rooms and other providers. The end result being higher costs for lower quality across the country. Every day, thousands of Americans are signing up for health insurance because of the health care law, the website is improving, and we are moving forward. Republicans should stop rooting for the health care law to fail, build on what works, fix what doesn't and work with the President to restore security for middle class families."
