Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users

Date: March 10, 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

TRANSPORTATION EQUITY ACT: A LEGACY FOR USERS -- (House of Representatives - March 10, 2005)


Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Chairman, the amendment before us is about increasing financial flexibility.

Toll credits allow the expenditure of non-federal funds on one project to serve as the match on another project.

The benefit of having toll credits is to enable various transportation projects to exchange a toll credit for non-federal share of a project's cost.

This measure does not render a good house keeping seal of approval on tolls, but it does recognize that States like Texas, that are experiencing significant increases in population and diminishing roadway capacity, are able to better leverage their transportation dollars.

I have heard from my State, and others that utilize tolling, repeatedly, on how this toll credit development will better equip them in addressing challenges now and in the long run.

