Issue Position: The Bobo Boondoggle

Issue Position

Another issue voters are concerned with is the Bobo Boondoggle. This issue is sucking an estimated $100,000+ out of Cherokee County every month…and will do so for the next 23 years. Look this issue up online if you aren't familiar with it, it will make your blood boil.

This is a great example of a public/private partnership, which I oppose. Single companies getting fat contracts paid for by your taxpayers dollars are the result of non-transparent systems that allow back-room deals, lobbyist influence, and cronyism to fester. When government works with private industry, it should be done via an open, transparent bidding process. Let the Free Market work for us.

The Bobo Boondoggle is a County issue, not a State issue. Local control of government works both ways, and the State should not interfere in the business of the County.

However, this doesn't mean that a State House Rep couldn't publicly voice support for finding justice for those responsible. I would gladly do so. Finding justice for those responsible will help deter future "boondoggles' from happening, and likely send a stronger message than any new law ever could.
