Health Insurance Options

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 14, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. BARROW of Georgia. Madam Speaker, when the Affordable Care Act was first enacted, the American people were promised that, if they liked their coverage, they could keep it. Despite those assurances, millions of Americans who are happy with their insurance coverage are finding out they won't get to keep their coverage.

I am proud to cosponsor legislation, offered by my Republican colleague from Michigan, committee Chairman Fred Upton, that gives the folks in my district in Georgia the opportunity to keep their current health insurance plan. I hope we will pass that legislation this week.

Many Americans don't feel well served by the limited health insurance options available in the exchanges, and people resent being misled by their elected officials about their options. It is important for us to give the American people the option to choose which plans work best for them, and this bill will help.
