Issue Position: Culture

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2013

Change is beneficial when correcting injustices, increasing opportunities, improving knowledge, etc. Change for the sake of change or to serve an individual or special interest at the expense of everyone else is not always beneficial. Nor is change good when undertaken lightly with minimal thought for the consequences.

Hopefully no person would support a return to the racism or persecution from our past. But the trend to shock and push to exceed the limits of decency is not sustainable. The ultimate result is no standards at all.

Some youth today are robbed of their childhood. Arkansas presently ranks high nationally in teenage pregnancies. As an educator I have had to deal with an increasing number of children who become sexually active, begin drinking or using drugs at younger and younger ages. Many are making life-altering decisions at an age they cannot possible understand the consequences of their actions. It breaks my heart to see these young people robbed of what could have been if we all had done a better job protecting and educating them about the dangers of their choices.

I think it is prudent to look at what worked in the past as well as supporting new programs that help young people make better choices and resist harmful peer pressure. We have to take a hard look at the impact of exposing young children to programming designed to promote or glorify violence, abuse of alcohol or drugs and sexual deviancy.

As your State Senator I will respect the viewpoints of all people and listen with an open mind but ultimately believe I should support the values of the communities I represent and only act to support an individual or special interest group to correct injustice.

Bottom line, I believe in traditional values like, God, family, neighbors, community, service, all life is sacred and everyone has a role in shaping the character of our future.
