Blackburn: Harry Reid Must Show Compassion for Nation's Most Vulnerable


Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and her female House Republican colleagues today sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid imploring him to take up several measures that would offer help to people who are desperately in need during these negotiations on the continuing resolution.

On Thursday, the House passed H.J. Res. 73, the Research for Lifesaving Cures Act, on a bipartisan basis. Yesterday, the House passed H.J. Res. 75, the Nutrition Assistance for Low-Income Women and Children Act.Next week, we will consider H.J. Res. 84, the Head Start for Low-Income Children Act and H.J. Res. 83, the Impact Aid for Local Schools Act.

"We are respectfully requesting that Senator Reid show compassion to our nation's most vulnerable during these critical budget negotiations," Blackburn said. "We humbly ask leaders on both sides of the aisle and in both chambers of Congress not to turn your back on the people most in need. Let's show respect for our most vulnerable and put them at the front of the line -- it's the right thing to do."

"We fully recognize that neither side will get 100% of what they want in these budget negotiations, but that doesn't mean people should be cast aside, ignored and forgotten as we seek a workable solution that's fair for all Americans. The House has passed several bills putting people before politics and we implore the Senate to act on them immediately. Do not allow cold hearts and petty politics to overtake our obligation to come together, as one nation under God, to serve people with the respect and care they deserve and require."
