Background Checks

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 20, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

(Mr. PASCRELL asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. PASCRELL. Madam Speaker, tragedy happens, and we say we are shocked. ``This is a quiet neighborhood.'' ``This is a quiet town.'' ``This is a quiet city.'' When you examine the mass shootings in America over the last decade, it becomes abundantly clear that there are serious cultural and spiritual problems that have not been recognized. Any attempt to be reasonable, thoughtful, earnest in facing the recognized horror is, even in the Congress of the United States, met with downright skepticism or outright hate.

I wonder if we want to resolve this unique national paralysis. Somewhere between taking everyone's guns away and maintaining the status quo, we must find some workable answer. Do Senators and House Members have to be directly threatened before we agree to work together? One of our own has been shot down in her own district. We all said all the appropriate things and didn't do anything to prevent this kind of violence from happening again.

It would seem to me, Madam Speaker, to be very desirable to review the biography, at least, of any person who applies to own a gun. Oversight of the process could be left to citizens representing the entire gun issue. We won't accept these violent acts in America any longe
