Governor Rick Scott to President Obama: Follow Florida's Lead and Cut Corporate Taxes to Help Manufacturers


Date: July 25, 2013

Today, Governor Rick Scott released the following statement in anticipation of President Obama's visit to Jacksonville, Florida to discuss economic policies:

"The President said yesterday that you have to "be for something' to help the country's economy and that he will push for "new initiatives to help more manufacturers.' In Florida, we now exempt 70 percent of businesses from paying the corporate income tax and we just eliminated the sales tax on manufacturing equipment. On the federal level, however, the United States now has the highest corporate income tax rate among developed countries across the world.

"High taxes hurt job creation, plain and simple. If the President wants to turn around our national economy as we have turned around the economy in Florida, he should follow Florida's lead and cut the federal corporate income tax so more manufacturers and businesses can invest and create jobs."
