President Obama's War on Coal

Floor Speech

Date: June 25, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Energy

Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia. Ladies and gentlemen of the House, I too am here to discuss the President's war on coal.

The President would have you believe that we must choose between the environment and affordable, reliable energy, but that is not the case. There is a better way, and the President could even take some credit.

Based on research that is currently out there, there are technologies that the Department of Energy has invested in on clean coal which will make a huge difference and will allow us to use our abundant coal resources and protect the environment. But instead of focusing on those possibilities, and focusing on that, the President, instead, wants to regulate coal out of existence.

The timelines that will be set up will not allow this new technology to take place in a timeframe that will work for the American public and for our economy. So, folks, there is a better way, and I urge the President to stop the war on coal and seek the better path.
