Repeal Obamacare

Floor Speech

Date: June 14, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. STUTZMAN. Mr. Speaker, schools across this country should be focused on educating our children; but, unfortunately, they're struggling because ObamaCare is forcing them to cut hours for part-time workers.

In Indiana, hundreds of part-time workers, including substitute teachers, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, and coaches, will face fewer hours and smaller paychecks. It's not just schools. Back home, many working families tell me more and more employers are making the tough decision to cut back hours, hold back projects, and take a pass on hiring.

This administration sold ObamaCare as a benefit to hardworking, middle class Americans; but it's hurting the very families it was designed to help.

Hoosiers don't need more regulations or mandates. We need real solutions that empower patients instead of crippling schools. Our students deserve the tools they need to succeed, and that isn't possible when Washington puts regulations ahead of achievement.

Teachers, mechanics, grocers, farmers and steel makers, all of them need an exemption from Washington's madness. Let's repeal ObamaCare, and let educators focus on what's really important--our kids.
