Visit of President of Burma to the U.S.

Floor Speech

Date: June 4, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Affairs

Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, the visit a couple of weeks ago of Burma's President, with the surrounding high-level honors, was a little disturbing. This leader's regime has engaged in well-documented horrific attacks against the various ethnic minority groups in his country--ethnic cleansing of minority groups.

When looking to the future of the country, President Thein Sein said last year that the ethnic youth should ``hold laptops'' and ``try to live a good life.'' Laptop computers are going to suddenly erase the effects of years of violence, racism, rape, and decimation by the ruthless military? I don't think so.

We must stand firmly with the minority ethnic groups in protecting their rights and ensuring justice is done for all the violence perpetrated by the Burmese military before we rush in to extracting resources and applauding democracy gains with no record of results.

And to the minority ethnic groups of Burma, many of us still stand with you.
