Capito Responds To Latest Jobs Numbers Released By Department Of Labor


Date: Feb. 1, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

"While I am pleased that the economy has added 157,000 jobs, our economy is not only growing too slowly--it's actually shrinking for the first time in three years. A lackluster economy should not be the new norm, and we cannot ignore the fact that 12 million of our neighbors want jobs but can't find them.

"Yesterday the Senate passed the No Budget, No Pay bill, which the House previously passed with my support. The bill states that Congress should pass a budget that cuts spending. If it doesn't, Members of Congress' salaries will be withheld.

"While the House has passed two budgets, the last of which cut spending by more than $4 trillion, the Senate has failed to pass a budget in over three years. Families follow a budget. Small businesses follow a budget. Congress should follow a budget--and one that gets our fiscal house in order.

"I am hopeful that we can move past partisan politics and enact solutions that will help job creators create jobs and grow their businesses. West Virginians deserve solutions."
