Congressman Cantor: Actions Speak Louder Than Words


Date: Feb. 12, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Eric Cantor (VA-07) released the following statement in response to the President's State of the Union Address:

"Working families in our country need a break. They want more time with their kids, better wages, better education and health care and the chance to get a good job. House Republicans are focused on helping Moms and Dads achieve the goals they set for themselves and their families. Our solutions will be based on the conservative principles of self reliance, faith in the individual, trust in the family and accountability in government.

"The President spoke of some familiar problems this evening. He said we needed tax reform, but only if it raises taxes. He said we need education reform, but has denied parents the opportunity to choose schools. He rightly said we need more research dollars to fight and cure diseases, which is an idea I share, that we can accomplish without increasing overall spending.

"The President said we do not need a bigger government, but a smarter government, and I agree. But actions speak louder than words. There is common ground to be found in many areas where we can immediately help Moms and Dads without asking them to fund more government.

"For four years, we have seen record deficits and mountains of debt heaped on our children and grandchildren. And for four years we have seen little to no action from President Obama or his Democratic colleagues in the Senate to take our spending problem seriously. Yesterday, his advisors told the Washington Post that the job of reducing the deficit was nearly done. This view defies reality.

"It's time for real change. We can restore confidence in Washington by working together to find common ground to our shared challenges. We can resist partisanship, recognize reality and embrace achievable measures that will make life work for more people."
