Issue Position: Dialogue Page

Issue Position

I believe through hard work, personal sacrifice, and
great risk our fathers secured for us on this
continent the greatest form of man made
government ever.

By observing the authority and wisdom of our
creator and God's law revealed to us in scripture,
they created a government bound by law to serve
the people instead of vice versa. We are a nation of
laws that secure our freedom. As recognized by our
founders a moral responsible society will prosper
under limited government.

However, if the same society loses its moral compass
(respect for God's law) then a rebellious people
ignore the rule of law. Justice is no longer equal but
relative. The result being self-indulgence,
producing a self-indulgent government no longer
serving the people but itself!

We are dangerously close to the point of government
ruling the people based on relative ideas instead of
laws that limit its power. God forbid we cast aside
the US constitution that was drafted by a selfless
group of godly men who had paid dearly for the
opportunity to govern themselves free of tyranny. I
believe through prayer and supplication they
received divine wisdom which was employed in
drafting the laws that govern us.
Therefore solemn consideration and skeptical
concern must be given to any attempt to exchange a
proven success for a novice idea fed by selfish
desire or perverse rebellion.

I will stand in the gate and seek the old paths that
have been proven successful. I will expect my
fellow citizens to abide by laws already drafted and
ratified by generations who had not yet lost their
moral compass. I will encourage all citizens to live
noble and free while enjoying these liberties, but we
must respect the laws which secure these liberties
and prosecute those who abuse the law.
