Governor's Weekly Message Transcript: Promoting Good Health in 2013


Date: Jan. 4, 2013

This week we launched a campaign to promote good health among Delawareans -- called "31 Days to a Healthier You." It's about small steps we can all take that lead to big rewards for our health.

Every New Year, we collectively think about the healthier habits we can embrace and as we launch this campaign here at the Central YMCA in Wilmington, it's great to see so many people committed to the cause of good health.

Just like we promised smoke-free state properties and a more walkable, bikeable Delaware in the New Year, we're also committed to promoting health lifestyles and supporting your path to a healthier you.

It's not about starting a daily three-hour grueling workout, or signing up for fitness classes that you can't keep up with. It's about small, sustainable changes that will add up over time, like a healthier lunch or a switch from whole-milk to one-percent milk, or from a piece of candy to an apple, or making the effort to take a 15-minute walk every day.

It's about a healthier you. Our Health and Social Services Secretary and Public Health Director are working with us to help get us all motivated and moving, so we can move our state from a sick-care system to a true health care system. So, you'll start seeing messages on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media channels. We hope you'll do something for yourself and encourage others who don't think that they can do it to adapt a healthier change as we work together to live healthier, longer and better lives, keeping one another and Delaware moving forward.
