Weekly Newsletter Update: Fiscal Cliff


Date: Dec. 3, 2012

There has been discussion in Washington and in the media about raising taxes as part of a solution to the fiscal cliff. What I want to know is how that additional revenue would be spent, and how it would solve the spending crisis in this country?

Unless legitimate spending cuts and tax reform are part of the solution, and not smoke and mirrors gimmicks, increasing revenue will have no effect on solving the spending crisis and decreasing the size of government. We did not tax ourselves into debt; we spent ourselves there as the size of government doubled over the past decade. Our focus must be growing the economy, not continuing to grow government.

I am hopeful that Republicans and Democrats will come together to pass a bipartisan solution to the fiscal cliff that includes legitimate spending cuts at its core, avoids sequestration, and initiates comprehensive tax reform while preventing one of the largest tax increases on Americans in history from going into effect.

With double-digit unemployment still affecting much of the nation, including many areas in Colorado, growing the economy must be a central goal of any solution. I believe a solution that would allow businesses and families the flexibility to succeed by keeping tax rates low and providing economic certainty through responsible spending and tax reforms would help jumpstart economic growth and create jobs, while responsibly addressing the $16.3 trillion national debt.


