Issue Position: Land and Stream Access

Issue Position

By: Pam Bucy
By: Pam Bucy
Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Access to public lands and waters is vital to passing on our hunting and angling heritage. We all have examples of access denied, closed roads that were long held as public and as resident hunters and anglers, we struggle to maintain what access we have left. The role of the Attorney General in fighting for access is critical. As Attorney General, Pam will work to prevent the closure of long established county roads in favor of exclusive access for the few.

Make no mistake, what is private must remain private and Pam is a strong proponent for private property rights, but what is public, must be protected as well. Pam supports private property rights, but will fight to ensure that no one abuses their position to lock out Montana's resident hunters and anglers.

As Attorney General, Pam will continue to advocate for the protection of Montana's landscapes and our rights to access them. She will also fight against wealthy out of staters that would seek to restrict access to public lands.
