Issue Position: Growing Jobs for Our People

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Location: Unkown

Growing Jobs for Our People. Pete continues to protect local jobs and promote new ones. He works with countless small businesses on their individual issues, and has advanced over 100 new jobs at a school for children with Autism, inter-vened to keep a global pharmaceutical company from leaving NYS -- protecting 200 jobs and making new investments -- ex-panded Internet access in our rural areas and recruited a brewery to expand production in a manufacturing plant that had been idle for over a decade.

Pete is actively working to rebuild our local economy, putting special em-phasis on tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, and alternate energy, while highlighting successful local projects as models for further public and private investment. He also has been working with the Governor's Re-gional Councils initiative to secure millions to support business growth and create new private-sector jobs in the region. Pete continues to press the Governor and state leaders to help make NYS business friendly and help regain its rightful position as the Empire State.
