Issue Position: National Issues

Issue Position

What is your stance on abortion?
Ban after the first trimester

Should gay marriage be allowed in the U.S.?
Take the government out of marriage and instead make it a religious decision

Should the federal government allow the death penalty?
Leave it up to the states

Should the government require health insurance companies to provide free birth control?
No, let the insurance companies decide instead of a government mandate

Is Global Warming a threat to the environment?
Regardless, we should not devote government resources to prevent it

Should we expand our offshore oil drilling?
Deregulate and let the free market determine the best energy sources

Should U.S. National Parks and Forests continue to be preserved and protected by the federal government?
Let each state determine which areas to protect

Should the government raise the federal minimum wage?
No, eliminate all federal wage standards

Should Congress raise the debt ceiling?
No, cut spending

Should the U.S. have bailed out the major banks during the financial crisis of 2008?

Do you agree with President Obama's 2009 Stimulus Plan?
Yes, but it was not big enough

Should the federal government subsidize U.S. farmers?

Should we expand or dismantle our Social Security program?
Reform the current system into a voluntary "opt-in" program

Do you believe the 2001 and 2003 George W Bush tax cuts should be extended?
Abolish all income taxes

Should able-bodied, mentally capable adults who receive welfare be required to work?

Domestic Policy
Do you support increased gun control?
No, only for individuals with mental health issues and convicted felons

Do you support the Patriot act?
No, and pass strict laws prohibiting any government surveillance

Should the federal government regulate the internet to deter online piracy?
No, industries should address their piracy issues instead of the government

Should we limit federal funds to public schools that do not meet performance standards?
The federal government should not be involved in education

Are you in favor of decriminalizing all drugs?
Yes, and retroactively reduce sentences for those already serving time for drug use

Do you support affirmative action programs?

Should corporations and unions be permitted to fund broadcast advertisements backing political candidates through political action committees (Super PACS)?
No, corporations are not people and should not be allowed to finance political campaigns

Should marijuana be legalized in the U.S.?
Yes, and immediately free all citizens jailed for drug offenses

Do you support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?
No, open the markets so insurers can compete across state lines and drive down costs

Should we expand or dismantle our Medicare program?

Foreign Policy
Should the U.S. intervene in the affairs of other countries?
No, and dramatically decrease our military while abolishing the CIA and NSA

Should the U.S. end the war in Afghanistan?
Yes, and only approve future wars through Congress

Should the U.S. maintain a presence at the United Nations?
Scale back our current involvement

Should the United States end its trade embargo and travel ban on Cuba?
Yes, end embargoes with all countries and allow U.S. businesses to do business with any country

Should the U.S. continue to support Israel?
No, we should not give aid to any foreign nations

How should the U.S. deal with Iran?
Maintain diplomacy while discouraging use of nuclear weapons

How should the U.S. handle the genocide in Sudan?
Do not get involved

Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights?
No, they should be tried in military tribunals but not subject to torture

Immigration issues
Should children of illegal immigrants be granted citizenship?

Should illegal immigrants be given access to government-subsidized healthcare?
No, but they should be allowed to purchase private healthcare

Should illegal immigrants working in the U.S. be granted temporary amnesty?

Do you believe the theory of Evolution?

Should the federal government fund stem cell research?
No, leave funding and research to the private sector

Should the United States increase our space exploration efforts and budget?
Regardless, we should only use government funds for national defense purposes and leave exploration to the private sector
Pro-Constitution, Fiscal Conservative, Anti-Tax, Pro-Individual, Pro-IDAHO Business

I believe that the troubles we find our state and nation in today come from the fact that 5 key philanthropies (Medicine, Education, Law, Government and Religion) have been hijacked by greed and the absence of humanitarianism in their practitioners and operating principles. The result of this absence has been the systematic transformation of philanthropy into business/industry. The resulting effect of this transformation has been and continues to be the undermining of each of our unalienable rights as Idahoans and Americans in the name of big paychecks, steady employment and ever increasing offensive and improper power and authority. We must do everything we can to insure the regeneration of a humanitarian mentality within these industries. By fighting to preserve humanitarianism in Idaho and U.S. medicine, education, law, government and religion we actively defend our nation, our state, our homes and our individual selves. I believe the best place to start re-instituting love and devotion for our fellow man as the primary driving force within these industries is in government. Restraining and limiting government has been, is and will continue to be the most effective way of insuring the good and proper humanitarian philanthropic government that our founding fathers and mothers envisioned and fought for.

~EVERY PERSON IS DIFFERENT! I am a respecter of the individual. We owe our humanity to the ideal that everyone of us suffers and delights here together in this experience called life. We must ALWAYS pursue and hold true to a respect of individuality when providing for philanthropic humanitarianism in the fields of Medicine, Education, Law, Government and Religion.
~Idaho is a sovereign state. We are the united STATES of america. Without the sovereignty that our state and federal constitutions insure and stimulate, we cease to be the nation we love due to the fact that we cease to be Idahoans first and Americans because we are Idahoans. "IDAHOANS FIRST!"

~I believe in transparency; If you have a question for me ask and I'll answer

~If elected, I will work for the people of district 33 as their employee not their manager.

~Good government is: defensive not offensive; simple and not complicated; a safety net not a barbed wire fence.

~Representatives are servants of the people.

~The people of district 33 are the leaders, not the people they send back to Boise.

~I believe in and want to work for ALL the people of district 33; Voters and Non-Voters, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Christian Constitutionalists and Independents.

~I believe the people of district 33 are the most capable authority to govern themselves.

~I support the defense and the stimulation of each and every resident of Idaho District 33s individual right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

~The less Boise and Washington D.C. are a part of our lives the better off we are.

~Tax is theft. I do not and will not support new or increased tax.

~Simplicity creates transparency.

~Restrained & Limited government is best.

~Information is a right not a commodity

~Education should always be elective and individualized. A student voluntarily employed in the pursuit of education which he/she is personally interested in gets the most out of that pursuit.

~ Parents and prospective students should choose how they are educated not the state.

~ The constitutionally mandated Idaho government funded socialized educational system should be a defensive option for the education of our children not an offensive compulsory only-option.

~Teachers are individuals with a valuable job skill that deserve respect and fair individualized treatment from their employer whether private sector or state.

~Parents, teachers and students need to be the primary architects of any state funded educational system not politicians. This system should be goeverned closest to the people that it works for; at the district level, not from Boise.

~Each of us deserve respect and equal treatment.

~!!!!IDAHO BUSINESSES FIRST!!!! The creation and perpetuation of a FREE market not an unregulated market is essential for the existence of a vibrant and beneficial economy

~Individuals and the recognition and defense of their unalienable rights are the cornerstones of our state and in tandem our nation.
