Issue Position: Capital Punishment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Death Penalty

Ninety-seven years ago, Minnesota removed Capitol Punishment from the legal system. For almost 100 years, Minnesota has allowed specific segments of our society the freedom to violate civil peace. These people are using force to take innocent life at will. Year by year Minnesota quietly buries her innocent citizens one at a time.

The families and extended acquaintances of the murdered suffer unimaginable sorrow, trauma, regret, and heartache. Nothing has the capacity to replace a life cut short by evil intent.

In Minnesota, people have argued for over a century about the ability of capital punishment to stop crime - but it is beyond all debate to state that Capital Punishment, when applied, prohibits the receiver from ever again taking the life of another victim.

Just recently, someone killed a mother and her 10-year-old son. The mother was butchered by over 100 stab wounds, the son with a TV dropped on his head. The butchery of a human being as described this week leaves everyone with some moral value in life speechless. Frankly, we shame the life of these two victims by not providing the legal system proper punishment for crimes committed.

Capital Punishment is a valid resource for justice to quell anarchy in a civil society. "We the People" have duped ourselves into believing butchery of a human being fails the Capital Punishment test of appropriate punishment. Additionally, we blindly set aside reason, logic, and common sense. We follow others who explain that the complicated issue of Capitol Punishment is far above our reasoning skills. Here again "We the People" know in our soul something is amiss. I say enough is enough. Time has come to provide the option in specific cases for Capitol Punishment and execution of said punishment.
