Issue Position: Health Care and Social Security

Issue Position

As a Member of Congress, I will oppose the right-wing assault on the health care and senior citizen programs that are so crucial to the fabric of our society. I believe that every citizen should have access to quality, affordable health care; that individuals with pre-existing conditions should not be denied coverage; and that young people should continue to be able to stay on their parents' insurance until they are 26.

I will also fight tirelessly to protect Medicare and Social Security and ensure retirement security for our country's senior citizens. It is essential that we make prescription medication more affordable by allowing Medicare to use its purchasing power to bargain for better drug prices. On Social Security, we cannot be tempted by quick-fixes or false promises that growth will solve the problem. On the other hand, it would be unwise to tax the middle-class now in order to solve the problem. We should protect the program's long-term solvency through increased tax fairness on our wealthiest citizens.
