Issue Position: Let's Restore the Free Market

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

We must not waste any more time!

The crisis that we are in now has been for a long time coming, some would argue correctly since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913. As a result of the ever expanding size of the federal government, the trillion dollar deficits, the federal government's refusal to allow for the free market to operate freely, runaway inflation, devaluation of the dollar, we now face a predicament unlike anything ever seen in our history. It cannot be stressed enough the importance of this issue

The federal reserve has devalued the dollar over 95% since 1913 and has the sole cause of recessions, bubbles, depressions, including the one we are in now. The answer is not to bailout businesses, to set interest rates artificially low and to have more regulation.


Balance the budget, we cannot have runaway spending, we need to contract the size of the federal government.
End the Fed and allow for the interest rates to be set by the market, allow for competing currencies
Eliminate the Income Tax as well as the IRS, eliminate capital gains taxes, you have a right to every penny that you earn.
Get rid of all unnecessary regulations on small businesses as they are responsible for most of the REAL job creation in this country.
Lowering the corporate tax rate
Less regulations

This is only the start, we have to allow the market to function freely without the government constantly meddling in it, confidence will return, prices will stabilize, jobs will be created, manufacturing and production will return, we will have sound money again.
