Issue Position: Power Lines in Northern Virginia

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Power Lines in Northern Virginia

My involvement with fighting power lines in northern Virginia began when the Department of Energy created National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (National Corridors) in the Southwest portion of the U.S. and Mid-Atlantic region--including the 10th District. The designation of these corridors has skewed economic incentive toward building large transmission facilities instead of focusing on other viable options for ensuring that our energy needs are met, including: increasing generation closer to the load centers, upgrading existing lines, or investment in smart grid technologies.

I have continued to follow this issue as several transmission line projects have been proposed or approved that traverse the 10th District. I support exploring all solutions to our energy needs, but also feel that it is important to look at alternatives. Click below for more detailed background on my work on this issue, and for a comprehensive timeline.
[ Links on Congressman's web site]
