Congressman Henry Waxman Opposes New AES Redondo Plant

Press Release

Date: Aug. 20, 2012
Issues: Energy

​The author of the Clean Air Act, Congressman Henry Waxman, opposes a new AES Redondo power plant. See his attached press release and here is his full quote:

"As the author of the 1990 Clean Air Act, I think it is absolutely essential that we do all we can to cut air pollution in the region. There is no question that burning fossil fuels causes significant pollution and health impacts. We need to be shifting to clean energy. I believe we should remove the power plant from Redondo Beach. I encourage AES and California's regulatory agencies to take this opportunity to permanently retire this facility and to allow redevelopment of the site."

His opposition follows Congresswoman Janice Hahn, Assembly Member Betsy Butler, and two other elected officials in opposition to a new power plant -- Director, West Basin Water District, Carol Kwan, and congressional candidate, Bill Bloomfield.

As you can see, many powerful elected officials outside Redondo are rooting for us. The opposition cuts across party lines with republicans, democrats and independents all represented in opposing the AES plan to drop a new power plant on our waterfront for another 50 years.
