Farmers Undertake Environmental Land Stewardship Act

Floor Speech

Date: Aug. 1, 2012
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BOSWELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Crawford, I believe that you pretty much covered the details of this. And I see the gentleman sitting beside you there and I'm sure he's going to add to it, so I don't think I'll spend a lot of time repeating what you said. But I want you to know that as a hands-on farmer producer, I appreciate the efforts you put into this to bring this forward because there are just too many times we see where the farmers in your State, my State, and across the country are burdened with these extra expenses and criteria that they don't really need. Because you know, I know, and I think those of us that are familiar with the farming industry, we are stewards of the land. We don't want to ruin the land; we certainly don't want to ruin the water.

So this is a good thing to come forth with this piece of legislation, to put a practical sense, practical application to the situation. It's been delayed and delayed and delayed.

It refers to American farmers. American farmers are very much dedicated to what they represent. And again, those that, as I do and as I'm sure you do and others, when we have fuel on the farm for whatever reason--to run the tractors, the combines, the irrigation pumps, or whatever--we're very careful. The cost of the fuel and the exposure of it being stolen or something is something we don't have a lot of excess sitting around these days anyway. Those that are large operators, seems to me like quite a few of them have got a tank wagon.

So I appreciate what you've offered up here, and I'm very supportive of it.

With that, I reserve the balance of my time.


Mr. BOSWELL. Mr. Speaker, we have no other speakers.

In closing, I feel like we've defined what the need is. This will be very helpful to the Nation's producers, and it's a step in the right direction. So I will urge agreement and support of H.R. 3158. And thank you again for bringing this forth.

I yield back the balance of my time.

