Statement on Obamacare Ruling


Date: June 28, 2012

Rick W. Allen, small-businessman and Republican Congressional Candidate, issued the following statement regarding the Supreme Court's ruling on President Obama's health-care law:

"When this morning began, we knew that President Obama's healthcare law was unaffordable, unsustainable and unpopular. We knew that it would saddle future generations with trillions more in additional debt, reduce the quality of healthcare for all Americans and that it would kill any hope for job-creation in this country.

Nothing the Supreme Court said today changed the fact that this is one of the worst pieces of legislation to pass the U.S. Congress in my lifetime. It was bad policy yesterday, it's bad policy today and it will still be bad policy tomorrow.

Today's decision also confirmed what I've been saying for the last two years -- Obamacare is not only a massive tax-hike on small-business owners, it's potentially the largest middle-class tax-increase in American history.

More than anything, this decision underscores exactly what is at stake this November. The only way we can get rid of Obamacare now is to defeat Barack Obama and John Barrow. John Barrow supported Obamacare -- I oppose it. That is the very simple choice that we will be presenting to Georgia voters from now until November 6th."
