Issue Position: Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Energy policy is also a subject that is near to my heart due to the fact that I operate a company that relies heavily on affordable fuels to make our airplanes fly.

The United States has a wealth of energy supplies but we must allow the exploration and development of those supplies. The government should not choose one form of energy over another -- rather we should cut regulations that are strangling energy exploration and development and allow the market to decide which source of energy will become efficient, clean, and affordable to help drive our country into the future.

I firmly believe we need to continue research into renewable energy. I support drilling in ANWR as well I believe we need to refocus on building new nuclear facilities as well as continuing to develop technology to harness wind, solar and ethanol.

My business served as the lead contractor during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response in the Gulf of Mexico last year assisting in the cleanup and the application of dispersants for the entire duration of the disaster. I witnessed firsthand the results of a government policy that actually worked well in partnership with the private sector which was able to get out there and get the job done. The aftermath however and President Obama's decision to place a moratorium on deepwater drilling was a disastrous decision and will greatly affect our countries ability to produce for years to come. Because of his actions, 2 of the largest deepwater drilling platforms in the world left and were placed in foreign waters where they are safely producing today and selling back to the United States at a premium which is partially to blame for our high gas prices.

America's future as a stable, secure, and influential world economic power depends on its access to reliable and affordable sources of energy. The only way to guarantee this is to develop abundant and economically realistic domestic sources of energy production.

Had I served in Congress during the debate -- I would have voted no on the "Cap and Trade" bill as I do not believe that legislation was truly about energy but rather another unnecessary tax on both individuals and businesses.
