Repeal of Obamacare Act

Floor Speech

Date: July 10, 2012
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CHABOT. I thank the gentleman for yielding.

Mr. Speaker, the Supreme Court's unfortunate decision to uphold ObamaCare doesn't mean it's the right thing for this country. It's not. It was bad public policy when it was forced upon the American people 2 years ago, and it's bad public policy today.

Last Friday, the Department of Labor announced that millions are still out of work across this country and that businesses are still struggling to keep their doors open. It is unfortunate that this President doesn't seem to recognize that this law is hurting American workers and those looking for work. Businesses will be hit with more than $500 billion in new taxes--and the Supreme Court has said what it is, a tax--a maze of burdensome red tape, and mandates that could cause the loss of 1.6 million additional jobs. We can't afford that.

And for what?--a law that puts government ahead of people, a law that consolidates power into the hands of a group of 15 unelected bureaucrats, a law that has already increased health care costs and will limit Americans' access to quality, affordable health care.

There is a better way forward.

This misguided law must be replaced with patient-centered reforms that allow families to make their own health care choices and to visit the doctors they want to visit. Health care decisions should be made at home, around kitchen tables all across the country, not in the back rooms on Capitol Hill.

Mr. Speaker, we do not need health care reform like this, but we do need health care reform. This law is not the answer. It's a Big Government power grab. That's what it really is. What history has shown time and again is that Big Government makes things more expensive, more bureaucratic, and less effective. It is time to repeal this law and to get our economy moving again and to get Americans back to work.

