Repeal of Obamacare Act

Floor Speech

Date: July 10, 2012
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MICA. Thank you. And I have been instructed by the staff that the proper term--or the title of the bill, I guess, Mr. Speaker, is Repeal of Obamacare, but I wanted to clarify that before I began.

As the Supreme Court rendered its decision, I had the opportunity to stand with some of my colleagues on the steps of the Court just across from the Capitol. I stood on the steps and spoke to the crowd gathered with other Members of Congress, and I said the decision by the Court to, again, uphold the law that we seek to repeal, the decision was basically the decision to tax the people. And the power to tax, it's been said, is the power to destroy.

I come before the House tonight and I'll state the same concerns I expressed on the steps of the Supreme Court. First, the power to destroy.

It's appropriate tonight that the Small Business Committee is here, chaired by the distinguished gentleman from Missouri. American small business has been stuck in neutral. The decision by the Court in upholding this law is taking small business, which is stuck in neutral, and actually putting it in reverse. It's putting it in reverse because it is one of the largest tax impositions--call it a mandate, call it a penalty--that you could impose on small business, which is the primary economic generator in the United States.

As a former businessman, I know the difficulty in trying to keep the door open, the lights on, the bills paid. This is probably creating the greatest uncertainty and the greatest depression in the creation of jobs since expansion of small business in the United States. So, indeed, the power to tax is the power to destroy.

Secondly, I stand in support of the measure to repeal ObamaCare, or the President's plan for health care, because of the impact on our senior citizens. The power to destroy something they sought as seniors and a promise from our government, Medicare, to cut half a trillion dollars from Medicare is not the way to go. That's why I oppose the President's plan and ask for its repeal.

