Issue Position: Big Government

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Clearly Washington has become dysfunctional. We are at present suffering from a huge epidemic in is called Obese Big Government. It is a government out of control, drunk on the Kool Aide of Big Spending. Laws imposed on us citizens require us to make sure we don't write checks with insufficient funds in our bank accounts. We can go to prison for failure to do so. But congress can get away with it. As we close in on a national debt of 16 Trillion dollars, we are indeed a wild drunk stallion galloping closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.

A Fat-Ass government drunk with power is where we are at, with one regulation after another affecting every aspect of our lives. And now, for the first time in our 240 year history as a nation, government has mandated that every citizen be FORCED to purchase a product or face a penalty!!! If I am elected, you can count on me to do every thing possible to repeal Obama-Care.

Government, both here and in Washington needs to go on a major diet. If I'm elected, I will introduce legislation to begin slimming down bloated governmental agencies. Bureaucracies such as the Dept. of Education, Dept. of Energy, the EPA, Dept of Agriculture and so many others that siphon away HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS of tax payer monies each year, must be reigned in and cut down to size. I propose a five year plan to begin the slow but steady slimming down of each agency. Every year a 5% reduction in size and budget will be instituted, whereby after the fifth year a solid 25% reduction in government will be achieved. We need bare bones efficiency from Washington.
