Issue Position: Energy Policy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

America needs an all of the above energy policy. Our country has vast oil reserves. Prohibiting safe drilling at home causes a massive trade deficit and places our country at risk as we become more dependent on oil from nations that are not necessarily in line with our values. Opening up more public land and allowing more permits to companies that will responsibly drill for new reservoirs of oil in the United States will lower gas prices, thus spurring our economy, and make us less attached to foreign energy, which will make our nation more secure because we will no longer be subsidizing nations that are not our friends.

Other forms of energy should be promoted too. However, I do not believe that government can force feed the energy market to make alternative energy affordable. Giving government grants to energy companies such as Solyndra only results in the loss of taxpayer money because government does not work well as a venture capitalist and such grants lead to corruption.
