Letter to the Honorable Darrell Issa, Chairman House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and the Honorable Elijah Cummings Ranking Member House Oversight and Government Reform Committee


Date: July 3, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

The Honorable Darrell Issa
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
2157 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Elijah Cummings
Ranking Member
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
2471 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Chairman Issa and Ranking Member Cummings:

As we approach July 4th, we are reminded of the importance of the American flag. Adopted 235 years ago, our flag will forever be a symbol that reinforces our nation's commitment to freedom and democracy. Our flag stands proudly outside each federal building and it solemnly shrouds the casket of each fallen servicemember as they return home to a grateful nation.

Given the American flag's importance, we strongly believe that U.S. flags bought by the United States Government should be produced in America and consist only of American-made materials. Unfortunately, current law enables the government to purchase flags made of only 50 percent American-made materials. We owe it to American workers and manufacturers to change this law.

That is why we introduced the All-American Flag Act. This bill would require the federal government to purchase flags that contain 100 percent American-made materials. In the 111th Congress, both of you supported this legislation when it was passed out of the Oversight Committee. The bill was later adopted by voice-vote in the House. Unfortunately, the Senate did not follow the House's lead and adopt this legislation at that time. While the Senate unanimously passed the All-American Flag Act last July, the House has yet to have the opportunity to vote on this legislation in the 112th Congress.

American flags should be made in America using American products. Allowing the government to purchase flags with foreign-made materials is a disservice to our country. As the two primary authors of this legislation, we ask that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee discharge the bipartisan, Senate-passed version of the All-American Flag Act so it can be brought to the House floor for a vote. Now is the time to see that this legislation is signed into law.

Thank you for your attention to our request. We ask that you please reply to our letter within 10 business days with an answer on whether or not the Committee will discharge this commonsense, bipartisan legislation. Please feel free to contact either of us if we can provide further assistance.
