Issue Position: Leading a Conservative Colorado Majority

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Conservative

As the old saying goes, "There are three kinds of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened."

Conservative change requires motivation and method: passing conservative legislation requires Republican majorities in the Colorado legislature, and Elections have consequences.

A bold, conservative leader, Majority Leader Amy Stephens' most significant legislative achievement is not "legislation," it's the "legislature." Majority Leader Amy Stephens fought to win the Republican majority that will limit government and protect our liberty!

In her first term, Republicans were in the minority and in disarray. She countered despair with fighting resolve, tirelessly supported fellow Republicans, raised thousands of dollars for Republican candidates, and led them to victory and a Republican majority in the Colorado House in the 2010 election.

Elected unanimously by her peers as Majority Leader, Amy Stephens nurtures new Republican candidates, mentors future Republican leaders, develops the Republican team, and has killed dozens of terrible liberal Democrat bills that would weaken Colorado.

Make no mistake, when Democrats redrew these district lines, they had one person in mind to keep busy with a primary race to distract from fighting to expand the House Majority.

That person was House Majority Leader Amy Stephens.

Amy has rock-solid conservative principles and unwavering integrity; she tackles and solves problems with consistency and honor.

Majority Leader Amy Stephens is a bold, conservative leader, not a flip-flopping chameleon or conservative of convenience.

Amy Stephens' bold majority leadership is the strongest force against the liberals in Denver and the progressives in Washington.
