Noem Weekly Column: Celebrating Fathers


Date: June 15, 2012

To folks in South Dakota, family remains one of the most important things. I'm blessed to live within 10 miles of most of my family members, and knowing that family is close by is an amazing feeling. As we celebrate Father's Day, it can bring about a range of emotions for people. Some might be celebrating their very first Father's Day with their newborn, others may be mourning the loss of a father or grandfather. Whatever the circumstance, I hope each of us can celebrate and honor our fathers or father-figures and thank them for their impact on our lives.

As many know, I lost my father in a farming accident when I was only 22, and my life changed forever. It was difficult to accept the reality that my dad, my hero and role model, would not be around to see my kids grow up. However, I found incredible comfort in knowing that the lessons he taught me would stay with me and be passed along to my family.

I'm sure my dad would be surprised to know that I decided to run for elected office, and since the people of South Dakota sent me to Congress, our family has gone through a lot of change. I'm gone a lot more than I ever was before, and my husband Bryon has definitely picked up the slack. While I'm in Washington, D.C., Bryon is back home in Castlewood with our three kids -- juggling activities, coordinating the family schedule, helping with homework and cooking supper. All on top of his full-time day job.

My kids and I try to show Bryon how grateful we are for him and how much we love him every day, but especially on Father's Day. I am proud to call him my husband and our kids are proud to call him their father. He not only sets a Godly example for Kassidy, Kennedy and Booker, he manages all of his activities and relationships in an honorable, admirable and patient way.

Holidays like Father's Day are great reminders of the importance of family and faith. Being away from my family during the week is not easy. But every morning, like many South Dakotans, I wake up and remind myself that I am making decisions to provide for a better future for my kids and grandkids.

Thank you to all fathers and all male role models across South Dakota for all that you do. Your leadership and unconditional love does not go unnoticed. Happy Father's Day!
